LAMP Pledge
We understand that time is money on the project. While we enjoy working with everyone on the team, our goal is to get on the site and then off the site as quickly as possible, which is to everyone’s benefit. We achieve this by digging into the details on the front end. Our team will thoroughly review the contract documents and collaborate with the design teams and contractor(s) as needed to resolve conflicts and problems and/or remove any hurdles to performing work prior to initial mobilization.
Our business runs on relationships. You — our customers, colleagues and partners — need to know that our word is as true and as strong as the steel we provide.
This “Just Own It” pledge is something of a rally cry among our coworkers. Because, here, it’s all about responsibility and capability; it’s about backing up our promises with actions and being true to each other and our word. It’s why we OWN IT: